The Beginning of Fi Boss Photography
I built this website on 1st June 2020.
It marks the beginning of a brand new platform for my work.
I have been posting my shots on Facebook and Instagram to share with my photography friends and like-minded wildlife lovers. FB and IG connected me to many of the people whom I admired for their work and passions, allowed me to marvel at their photography and skills. The experts on those platforms also shared their thoughts on my photography and helped me grow my interests and skills.
At the same time, my FB account is also where I connect with my family and friends who do not share the same interests. I have reduced the frequency of my FB birding posts so that I do not spam into their feeds. I have also been ‘removing’ inactive friends on FB… simply because I have grew older and think differently about social media now. Therefore, I have roughly around 100 friends on FB now, which is pretty low compared to months back.
IG has become my main platform for the past 2 months, I am more comfortable when the hashtags on my posts appeared to the right audience. In return, IG gives me a whole new world to connect with like-minded people internationally. This is the first time I do not feel a sense of guilt when I post my shot.
As my love for photography grows, so did my expectations of the presentation and the platforms showcasing my works. Extending my works into a personalized website is probably the most narcissistic act I ever done, but I am not looking back. I just badly want to display my work in the way I want~
After all, the journey to producing all the works took so much time, sweat and efforts… why not let the pictures get its own special pedestal?
With this, I welcome you to my virtual home which houses cherished memories of my works, journey and my thoughts.