Source of Inspirations

I always love animals and birds as a little girl.

I remember finding a book about animals and birds at home, and being fascinated by those beautiful coloured pictures of those amazing creatures.

One of the pictures that got stuck in my mind was the frigatebird. I remembered wondering why the striking red throat was so puffed up like a balloon. I was too young and couldn’t read a word, so a million imaginations went through my mind.

When I just turned 6, we moved to a place near a forested area. There were eagles soaring around the neighbourhood frequently. My fascination for eagles grew even more over the years after watching them from my balcony.

School work and teenage problems took a toil on my mind. I was always busy with school and basketball team that I forgot all about my favourite things - wildlife included. Adulthood was also tough… building a career, starting a family and caring for the kids left me with no time for anything else.

After a health scare last year, I used the recovery time to read and look up on my favourite things. I decided to go back to what I love the most - birdwatching and travel.

With social media and internet resources, I have faster ideas of where to spot birds. The beautiful images from the contributors further fuelled me to buy the camera and lens for birding. It was also because of those amazing shots, I envisioned what I like to shoot.


Singapore Airshow 2022, 15-18 February 2022


To my friends, THANK YOU!